The National Dahlia Society Of New Zealand was founded in 1938 and is an organization set up to promote our favourite flower the dahlia, and to offer guidance and advice on the cultivation and showing of dahlias in New Zealand. The National Dahlia Society produces two publications a year of our magazine "Dahlia" . This is an excellent magazine with plenty of information, show dates, photos and results.
The National Dahlia Society holds National Shows in both the North and South Islands each year.
Dahlias do not travel well which is why we have separate shows for each Island.
The North Island National Show will be held the weekend of the 8th /9th February 2025 and will be hosted by the Hamilton Dahlia Circle.
This will be held at the Hamilton Gardens complex
The South Island National Show 2025 will be held the weekend
of the 15th/16th February and will be hosted by theTimaru Horticultural Society.
This will be held at the Caroline Bay Hall and complex.
Shows are a great opportunity to meet and exchange ideas and information and make new friends.
Check out the club information to see if there is a club in your area. If you join a local Dahlia Society you will find plenty of friendly advice. Members are only too willing to support each other with friendship, advice and even the odd tuber!
Most clubs hold tuber sales in September or October and you can obtain good reliable stock of the most popular and successful dahlias in your area for a very reasonable price. Dahlia shows are held in late January through to March and these shows provide an ideal opportunity to take note of the varieties that appeal to you. Some clubs take orders at the shows or you can get in touch with growers through our links.
Contact: Secretary Mrs J CuthbertsonEmail: